I.F.C. Srl

IFC International Fashion Culture srl

IFC International Fashion Culture srl has been present for over 30 years in the clothing sector and its activity is focused on the development and production of garments in commercialized.



  • History and Mission
  • Production
  • Customer Satisfaction

History and Mission.

IFC International Fashion Culture, since the 1980s, has grown in proportion to its financial, operational and management capabilities; today it has about 40 employees divided between operating in internal and external chains, internal cutting, warehouse and finishing (internal ironing), administrative and commercial including internal modelers.

The company deals with the production of garments of various types, without prejudice to its core business in denim and in the ready to dye in general with a prevalence of trousers, even if the wearables touched are obviously inherent to the types of brand to which it is produced: it goes from the semiclassical wool trousers to the pure classic, from the biker to the five pockets typical or with variants such as zip applications, inner belts and so on. We also work shirting productions, deconstructed and sports t-shirts, sweatshirts, and jackets.


The production process is anticipated by the development of paper patterns through our internal modellers, starting from technical sheets or sample items from which to develop the models supplied by the Customers.

Through the internal cut and the line dedicated to the development of prototypes we get to sew the garment ready for the laundry; once it back in the company we always end up it internally so as to speed up the collection development process.

Customer Satisfaction.

At present we are aware that the needs of customers are related to quality, price and service that must be punctual; to this purpose, the company has structured over time through specialized personnel and a personalized Customer Service office for each customer, with a dedicated person in order to meet the needs of the same.

During the production of the garments, manufacturing control steps were inserted through operating personnel and managers with over 30 years of experience in all production levels. From the packaging technician to the laundry technician who follow the various processes directly in the facilities.


Viale Vibrata, 95/D - 64010 Civitella del Tronto (TE) Italy


ph. +39 0861 917733
ph. +39 0861 919134
mail: amministrazione@ifc-ap.it


from monday to friday:
8:30 am - 12:30 pm / 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm